MILD Procedure for "Shopping Cart Sign"

What is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
Lumbar spinal stenosis is a condition in which the lower spinal canal narrows and compresses the spinal nerves in the lower back. This happens as the result of degenerative processes in the lumbar spine which includes a thickening of a ligament known as the ligamentum flavum. This disease causes increased low back and/or leg pain with walking and standing which is allevaited by sitting or bending forward like over a shopping cart.
What is MILD and how does it help?
mild® is an early treatment option to consider when conservative therapies (e.g., physical therapy, pain medication, chiropractic, and epidural steoird injections) are not providing adequate relief. The mild® Procedure addresses a major root cause of LSS by removing excess ligament tissue to restore space in the spinal canal. The mild® Procedure typically takes less than an hour and can be performed through a single, tiny incision smaller than the size of a baby aspirin (5.1 mm). This is done under sedation and is an outpatient procedure. The procedure also has a great safety profile and tolerated by patients who are not good surgical candidates. Patient's that undergo MILD improve their ability to walk further and stand longer.
Am I a candidate?
If you are greater than 65 years of age and are experiencing low back and/or leg pain with wlaking and standing that is alleviated by sitting down then you may be a candidate. If lumbar epidural steroid injections do not provide long lasting relief then that may be a sign that it is time to consider MILD. We will look over your MRI in detail to determine a safe treatment plan.
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